Artphilein Dossier 4 – Against Power and Privileges: Women’s Voices


The fourth Dossier introduces a new research approach that involves comparing Artphilein Library photobooks with another collection of books: Protest in Photobook, a platform curated by Luciano Zuccaccia, dedicated to protests worldwide as seen through the photobooks in his private collection.This dialogue between collections of photographic books touches upon two different areas: the public sphere of street protests and the private domain of the female body and intimacy, where women express their claims. These protests are captured through the lenses of female photographers.The volumes selected from the Protest in Photobook collection bear witness to protests from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries around the world, with particular attention to the 1960s and 1970s, Latin American and Italian publishing, but not limited to them. They include protests from the Arab Spring, Kurdistan, Angola, India, to name but a few.In response, Artphilein Library’s selection focuses on publications predominantly created after the year 2000, in which women articulate their demands through their bodies: a liberated, young or mature body that transcends censorship and gender stereotypes.

Published by Artphilein Editions october 2023 

Artist: Amina Zoubir

Text:Giulia Brivio, Caterina De Pietri, Jana Caroline Reimer, Luciano Zuccaccia

graphic design: Vittoria Fragapane
2024, language: English
20,25 ×23 cm, 72 pages, 250 copies
ISBN: 9791280830197



by February 2020  I start my collaboration with 

I’ll show every week a photobook remarking the most interesting part

I’ll hope to meet you and if you like see this site dedicated to those who wants

to grow up in photography.


Editorial workshop

a cura di    Vogherafotografia  –  Voghera (PV)



Domenica 29 settembre 2019 ore 9,30 -17,30   presso Castello Visconteo , Piazza Liberazione, 27058 Voghera PV


4 photographer for 4 seasons

With great pleasure I join to Franco Martelli Rossi, Roberto Molinari ed Elisa Rosciani, we are the 4 photographer that take part at the project in subject, we will realize 4 different documentations focused on the theme “One life year of Tevere river from Orte to Natural Reserve Tevere-Farfa” that will play in Magliano Sabina between july 2017 and april 2018.
The performance of these photographic projects will be developed during 4 Creative Residence in Magliano Sabina by BYCAM FOTOGRAFIA of Teresa Mancini and Riccardo Cattani with the coordination of Ente Contratto di Fiume.
At the end of the performance the productions will be showed at Festival Mostre Diffuse 2018 and then on the Municipalities along the river.